This memoir revolves around the life of a woman and her family. Her maternal grandfather was Elpidio Quirino, who was the sixth president of the Philippines with whom she lived in Malacañang Palace until the end of his presidency in 1953. When her father Luis M. Gonzalez was named ambassadot to Spain in 1966, she moved to Madrid with her family. Her parents Chito (Luis) and Vicky were perhps the youngest and most popular among the diplomatic corps during the mid 1960s.
Marivic (Maria Victoria) went to school in Madrid and traveled extensively around Europe with her family. She married into Spanish aristocracy and had 3 daughters. She lived in Hong Kong where she studied and taught Mandarin for many years. She later moved to San Francisco where she met and married a former Maryknoll priest. She obtained her Doctorate in Education from the University of San Francisco.
She now lives in Madrid with her husband, her two daughters Victoria and Maria and grandchildren Victorita, Blanca and Pablo. Her daughter Lucia and grandchildren Bruno, Lucas and Tristan live in Barcelona.