En estos tiempos en los que la escritura tradicional se está perdiendo; cuando la literatura se deja a un lado por ver un par de memes o mensajes de texto interminables, este poemario aboga por la magia de la imaginación y el sentido crítico. Temas comprometedores; artificio en cada verso que se lee; dos lenguas – español e inglés – abrazadas por una misma musa; nervio; garra; musicalidad y martingala. Las letras no pueden ni deben ser censuradas, y así pone el autor su mayor empeño en inquietar, derretir y helar a sus lector@s con cada poema. El objetivo último: llegar al alma de sus lector@s y que sea este libro tantas veces releído por ell@s como veces les transmita algo nuevo. Que no haya censura para las letras no puede dejar a nadie impasible; de así hacerlo ¡que le prendan fuego!
In times when literature seems to be left behind by many, due to greater distractions such as memes or never-ending text messages, this poetry book seeks for a brand-new literary awakening, encouraging readers to use their imagination and critical thinking. Contemporary topics; artifice in every verse you read; two languages – English and Spanish – embraced by just one Muse; nerve; spirit and literary deception. Words must not be censored; that is why the author does his utmost to disquiet, melt and freeze the reader with each one of his poems. The ultimate aim: to reach every reader’s soul, so that this book will be reread as many times as something keeps moving the reader. No one can be apathetic after reading Que no haya censura para las letras. Otherwise, set it on fire!
In times when literature seems to be left behind by many, due to greater distractions such as memes or never-ending text messages, this poetry book seeks for a brand-new literary awakening, encouraging readers to use their imagination and critical thinking. Contemporary topics; artifice in every verse you read; two languages – English and Spanish – embraced by just one Muse; nerve; spirit and literary deception. Words must not be censored; that is why the author does his utmost to disquiet, melt and freeze the reader with each one of his poems. The ultimate aim: to reach every reader’s soul, so that this book will be reread as many times as something keeps moving the reader. No one can be apathetic after reading Que no haya censura para las letras. Otherwise, set it on fire!