G.Pérez-Seoane has a Degree in Law from the Madrid Complutense University. He completed an MBA at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, ITAM, (monetary award for high marks); a
Business Management Programme at IESE; and Advanced Corporate Finance Programme for Senior Management at IESE; and Phd Course in Business Administration at the Madrid Complutense University. He worked in Mexico, London and Madrid for different banks in the areas of risk analysis, corporate banking, international corporate banking, international portfolio management, fnancial banking modeling and portfolio risk modeling, holding management positions. He went on to become the CEO of a Corporate Finance Consulting firm for med by IESE Finance Professors; Corporate Finance Director of a leading international Asset Valuation firm and Chairman of an Global Investment Consulting frm. He has three years’ experience as a university lecturer on fnance and business economics.
Te scientifc research of the Natural Economic Teory developed by G.Perez-Seoane has lasted 18 years (25 March 1998 – 20 November 2016). Between 1999 and 2002 he wrote three books with the
macroeconomic research carried out until that date.
Investigation imperfect and incomplete but containing the main empirical and theoretical foundations of the General Teory completed in 2016.
Books published: I) El Equilibrio de las Naciones (1998), II) Modelo Macroeconómico Natural (1999), III) Natural Macroeconomic Model (2000), IV) Te World Stock Market and the Natural Price Teory (2002).