Love, sensuality, and the noblest of sentiments have place characters in a condition which, through their actions, write daily their own storey and of that of the countries in which they find the meaning of life.
The journalists of “The rose of Gibraltar” the previous novel of this author, who contributed to the establishment of friendly relations on a basis of equality between Spain and the United Kingdom, return to action to combat the threat of Islamic terrorism.
Álvaro Ruiz Bazán, the Saint Claire family, the agents of British and Spanish intelligence services and other new characters return, at the expense of his sacrifice, in an attempt to save lives and strengthen ties between the two powers, which continue to have a pending dispute over the rock of Gibraltar.
The plot of “Red Carnations”, with its dose of intrigue, action, suspense, blood, sex, passion…, possesses the precise amount of components to satisfy the palates of any kind of reader.